Thursday, November 10, 2011


So I mentioned in a previous post that a good friend of mine purchased the cookbooks that were on my wish list. I adore these books, there are so many amazing recipes peppered throughout when I perused the books last night. One in particular is my utter favorite and that one is Nadia G's Bitchin' Kitchen: Cookin' for Trouble. 
It's a gorgeous cookbook with 75 recipes and full page, full colour photo's for each one. Not only that but there is an Italian slang dictionary and Nadvice. Not to mention some tips from Panos, The Spice Agent and Hans. 
Nadia started off with just a comedy-cooking show online that quickly spread like wildfire with her crazy antics, storylines and amazing recipes. Now she has her Bitchin' Kitchen TV show that is aired on the Cooking Channel and Food Network Canada.
The book in itself as you read it is hilarious & there is something for everyone in this book in chapters such as {Dysfunctional} Family Pizza Night, Gluttony G-Style, Makeover Meals, Student Shkoff-fest and even an entire chapter devoted to....wait for it......BACON!
You seriously will NOT be disappointed in this book - there are hot guys in it, a gorgeous chef and amazingly delicious food. The first recipe that I am definitely making this weekend is the Gnocchi Poutine. Omg. The picture of it...I wanted to throw my coat on and run to the store to make asap. Alas, soup was on the stove simmering away. 
Along with Nadia's other cookbook that was released a while ago {Bitchin' Kitchen: Rock Your Kitchen & Let The Boys Clean Up The Mess} these two cookbooks can honestly be read cover to cover and that is what I began doing last night and plan on finishing today. I highly recommend this book and you should definitely head over to Amazon and order it online! 
GO! DO IT NOW! Or shkiaf off. ;)

PS. Make sure to watch the vid. :) 



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