Wednesday, February 29, 2012


The last few days have been really really hard for me. I really didn't want to get out of bed and I didn't for the most part and I still haven't been able to eat but I know that I gotta force myself. The boyfriend is trying and he is trying to get me out of the house and back to the gym but without any energy this is going to be really interesting. 
I got gorgeous flowers from a lady that works at the University that I talked to a lot named Marie and her husband Mike. She said that she knows exactly what I am going through and it is comforting to know that she is there for me. The flowers are really cute and dainty, just like Sky.

I didn't have the greatest sleep last night and kept waking up every hour...every time I went to get a drink of water I wondered if Sky took a sip as he was sneaky and sometimes tried to do this. Alas, I know that he didn't. 
I finally woke up at around 7:30am and felt a bit of peace...not much, just a bit..and knew he was saying that everything was going to be okay. That won't change the fact that I won't sleep with his pillow. 
I am sitting here in the spare bedroom, which I have never done and it is a nice change but I just wonder where he would sleep if he were here with me. 
Nestled under all the thirty blankets that sit on the bed in the spare bedroom...or on the big floor space near the boxing bag...or he would probably just try to escape to go upstairs. 
Nothing right now is going to take this hurt away. My heart still really hurts. But I know he is in a better place and I will see him again at the Rainbow Bridge. I know he is waiting for me. For now he is playing with other little darlings and seeing some of the people that have passed on the last few years. 
I miss him so much.

I have to remember the good times...for example, he would sleep with the bf and I all day on Sundays and be lazy with us. He would be right next to me while I watched little clips on YouTube of "The Delightful Miss Dahl". I think him, like me, liked to listen to her soft and soothing voice and the fantastic music, all while talking about food. 
So, for him, I am going to blog...and the first post since a while, and since the last post, it is going to be a recipe from Sophie Dahl's "Miss Dahl's Voluptuous Delights".
Since he was a cat and loved fish, I will post a fishie recipe. Just like his Mommy. Loved seafood. :) I wish he could have tried shrimp...although, I think he has had his fair share of culinary extravaganzas of leftovers that were precariously left on the counter overnight.
For you Chichi. 

Ps. This cookbook is absolutely gorgeous. She has another cookbook that is only sold on the UK Amazon that I would love to get but I don't even know how much they charge for shipping. I would love to get my hands on this cookbook and see just how gorgeous it is as her last one. Not only are there recipes and gorgeous pictures of the food {and of her} but there are lovely stories peppered throughout that I thoroughly enjoyed reading with Sky right next to me sleeping away. 

This is in Sophie Dahl's book on page 31. 

Bon Appetit.

Baked Haddock Ramekin
Don't make this in the first throes of love or when you have people coming over. Haddock is not, and never will be, a sensory aphrodisiac. It is, however, delicious. 

Serves 2 - already in love

Butter for greasing
1 generous piece of undyed fresh smoked haddock {11-13 oz}
1 cup milk
2 bay leaves
Freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup grated sharp cheddar
Fresh parsley, to garnish

Preheat the oven to 350F.
Butter two 8oz ramekins. 
Halve the haddock and put a piece in each remekin. 
Pour the milk over the top and add a bay leaf and black pepper to each.
Bake for 10 minutes. 
Remove from the oven and top with Cheddar. 
Turn on the broiler and adjust the rack. Blast the ramekins under the broiler for a few minutes. 
Chop some fresh parsley and sprinkle on top. 

I don't have an image of the recipe - I think this is a first time ever sort of thing. 
But there is a YouTube clip that I shared with you guys in the past where Sophie makes an Omelette Arnold Bennett and she uses the baked haddock. 
So here is the video below again. 
I love the song in the background by Harry pretty...
I wish they renewed a season with her. I enjoyed her show immensely.

Oh, and I am sure you can share this fish with your furbabies. :) 


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